In a quiet corner lot in northwest Denver, a garden gem has been created. Stepping into Megan's yard is like stepping into an artist's studio - it is awash with stuff and color! Megan likes to collect things for her middle school art classes and for her own art work. She also likes to collect sedum.
Sedum turn up in her eclectic garden in the most unusual containers: upturned Tiffany lampshades, old chairs painted Santa Fe blue, a purple antique washing machine, a rusty watering can; you name it and she has sedum planted in it. And it looks fabulous!!!

Megan has the artist's eye for both color and imagination. If I ever tried to make my yard look like hers, the neighbors would call Code Enforcement and Jeffco Mental Health, but in her yard, it is perfect! There is a definite echo of New Mexico in each of her garden vignettes. With the rich colors and use of unique statuary, you can almost smell the chiles roasting and the pinon in the air...
My little Power Shot does not do her brilliant colors justice, but they give you just a sample of the many treasures nestled in this jewel box garden.