Author's Garden After Planning |
If you have never done any gardening before or have never seen it done, getting started can be a little intimidating. Where does one begin?
Step 1: Begin by asking yourself a few questions:
What do I want to accomplish? Do I want to grow vegetables, herbs, flowers, shrubs or some combination of all of these?
How much time am I going to have to tend the garden once it is planted? What is my budget? Am I willing or able to irrigate my new plantings? Am I limited by space such as living in an apartment or patio home? Answering these questions will provide you with some direction.
Step 2: What do you like? When I got started, I began by looking at pictures of different kinds of gardens. What was I drawn to? What are you drawn to? Everybody’s tastes are different. The library and internet are great sources for the budding gardener. “Lawnscaping” by Scotts was one of the first gardening books I bought at Home Depot.