Plants I'll Always Plant: Verbena bonariensis
Plant I'm Itching to Try: Salvia Dorris (Desert Sage)
Plants I’m Itching to Try: Coral Baby Penstemon (Penstemon barbatus)
Forget About It: Roses
Plants I’ll Always Plant: Dreamland Series ® Zinnias – all colors
Plants I’m Itching to Try: Struggling to get a Munstead Lavender garden established – hope springs eternal!
Forget About It: Probably 10 different iceplants have expired in my garden, and none of my echinacea look like the pretty pictures in the catalogs ☹
~Master Gardener EJ
Plants I'll Always Plant: Penstemons - any and all
Forget About It: Probably 10 different iceplants have expired in my garden, and none of my echinacea look like the pretty pictures in the catalogs ☹
~Master Gardener EJ
Plants I'll Always Plant: Penstemons - any and all
Plants I'm Itching to Try: Zig Zag Blue Grama grass, Bouteloua gracilis (I ordered it from High Country Gardens & it should arrive in April)
Forget About It: Dahlias, or anything else that needs to be lifted in the fall. Not my style
~Master Gardener Michele
Plants I’ll always plant: I’ll always plant an annual flower with the trade name Vermillionaire. It’s a variety of the firecracker plant sold by the Proven Winners plant company. I love Vermillionaire because it’s a guaranteed hummingbird magnet. If you want some hummingbirds whizzing around your patio this summer, plant some Vermillionaire in a nearby pot or hanging basket. The plant holds up well the entire summer and doesn’t need maintenance except watering the pot. In 2015, Vermillionaire was on the CSU Trial Gardens annual plant honor roll, which means it’s a really great plant.
Plants I’m itching to try: I’m itching to try a tomato variety called Estiva. Estiva is a hybrid indeterminate producing a medium-size red tomato. According to the Johnny’s Selected Seeds catalogue, Estiva is “well known in hot, dry regions for its ability to set fruit in excessive heat.” After our recent summers with excessive heat, this seemed like a great variety to try. I’ve bought some seeds and will grow Estiva this summer.
Forget about it:
Healthy Speckled Roman Tomato Photo: Amy Norwood |
Blossom End Rot on Speckled Roman Tomatoes Photo: Amy Norwood |
I’m still trying to forget the Speckled Roman tomatoes I grew last summer. The Speckled Roman is a gorgeous tomato. It’s an elongated tomato with bright red skin and golden streaks. However, a Speckled Roman with blossom end rot is a horrifying freak show that will give a gardener nightmares. About half of my Speckled Roman tomatoes had blossom end rot (which wasn’t the case for the other tomato varieties I grew). The Speckled Romans that didn’t have blossom end rot tasted like sawdust (i.e., flavorless). So no more Speckled Romans for this gardener!
CSU - Plant Talk Tomatoes
~Master Gardener Amy
~Master Gardener Amy