Mid-summer can be tough on turf. In addition to watering efficiently, give consideration to fertilizing, aerating and mowing practices. Following are tips from Tony Koski, CSU Extension Turf Specialist.
- Fertilization may not be necessary if the lawn was fertilized this spring.
- Summer fertilization, if done, should utilize a blend of slowly available (highest percentage) and quickly available nitrogen (low percentage).
- Natural organic and other predominately slowly available nitrogen fertilizers work well when applied in the summer.
- Coordinate any fertilizer applications with your local watering schedule so that it can be watered in as soon as possible after application.
- Returning grass clippings to the lawn when mowing provides a substantial fertilizer benefit.
- Unless used for overseeding purposes, lawn aeration should not be performed when temperatures are expected to exceed 85F for more than a couple of days.
- Watering restrictions may cause lawns to be too hard to allow for effective summer aeration.
- Lawns aerated during the summer may require additional irrigation to prevent turf stress and damage.
- Fall lawn aeration, fertilization, and overseeding all can be done at the same time.
- Set your mowing height at 2 ½ to 3 inches and mow at the same height all growing season.
- Don't remove more than 3/4 inch of grass at any single mowing; recycle grass clippings into the lawn.
- Use a sharp blade to reduce tearing of the grass leaves.
- Whenever possible, mow during the cooler morning or evening hours to avoid causing stress to the lawn.
- Lawns showing signs of drought stress (blue-gray coloration, persistent footprints, slight browning) should not be mowed until they have been watered to reduce stress.