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Have you been considering a buffalo grass lawn? As drought rears its ugly head again and again and water costs increase, more
individuals and businesses are looking for alternatives to
water-guzzling turf.
Bouteloua dactyloides (buffalograss)
is an attractive, fine-textured, low-water-use native grass that grows
throughout the Great Plains from Minnesota to Montana and south into
Mexico. This warm-season perennial establishes itself as a short (three
to six inches tall) sod grass and spreads by means of runners called
stolons. The runners form a turf that is solid, yet can accommodate
wildflowers and native bunch grasses. Buffalograss is exceptionally
cold- and drought-tolerant, and has no known disease or insect problems.
It is ideal for large landscaped areas such as businesses, parks, and
schools. (
University of Texas at Austin)
Here's the complete how to for planting an
attractive buffalo grass lawn.