Thursday, May 14, 2009
Working in the Demo Garden by Heirloom Fan
Today I reported for duty with three other Master Gardener volunteers to do cleanup work at the demo gardens. We chose to work on the garden at the old entrance to the Extension Service building at the Jeffco Fairgrounds.
This garden has special significance because many of the plants were donated as memorials to friends and family members who were Master Gardeners, and as tributes to those who gave special service and dedication to the Jefferson County Extension Service and the Master Gardener program.
We found spring flowers emerging and many in bloom such as Daffodils and Tulips and the Allium plants were in full bud and will be blooming soon. We also found a lot of weeds happily growing among the spring flowers and perennials so we each kept busy pulling, trimming and raking the weeds and removing tons of leaves and dead plant material to make way for the new growth. We felt good that after two hours of hard work, the cleaned up gardens will allow the flowers and bushes have room to grow, as well as getting more air circulation and sunshine.
We are due to return in July and look forward to seeing how different the gardens will look by then.