
Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Rocky Mountain Bee Plant by Megan Snow

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Common names:
Rocky Mountain Bee Plant, Bee spiderflower, Stinking-clover, Toothed spider-flower

Scientific Name: Cleome serrulata Pursh
I love my Rocky Mountain Bee Plant. The name caught my eye as I was looking for plants that attract pollinators to place next to my veggie beds in hopes of encouraging pollination.

It's a beautiful plant with purple blooms and boy does it attract the bees.  It can survive in poor soil conditions and is drought tolerant. It's best to cut the plant down in the fall.

My Rocky Mountain Bee Plants have grown well over four feet tall and at the height of its bloom, the plant is audibly vibrating from so many bees. I have had several neighbors stop to comment or ask about the plant because they have noticed the sound coming from my garden. My veggie beds have benefited from the plant more than I thought they would. I have seen a significant increase in bee activity since planting the Rocky Mountain Bee Plant and my veggies plants have been producing more than what I know what to do with. 

This plants produces hundreds of seed pods and is a prolific spreader. If you want to keep it under control, you can remove the seed pods in late summer. I have had good success with this process and it has not taken over my garden.

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This plant may not be for everyone, but I have been enjoying it almost as much as the bees!