
Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Scientific Reasons You Should Resolve to Start Gardening in 2023 by Nancy Shepard


Professor Jill Litt (right) checks on a plant with colleague Erin Decker (left) at a community garden next to Regis University. Photos by Glenn Asakawa/CU Boulder, 2017

We’ve all heard the anecdotal evidence of gardening improving people’s health but up until now, few studies have scientifically tested gardening’s effects on disease risk factors. Our own University of Colorado did that and the findings were published Jan. 4 in the journal Lancet Planetary Health and Science Direct.

Though research on gardening abounds, the researchers wrote that they were able to find only three other studies that tested gardening’s effects on disease risk factors by assigning participants randomly to groups who did and didn’t garden, then comparing their health. “These findings provide concrete evidence that community gardening could play an important role in preventing cancer, chronic diseases and mental health disorders,” said senior author Jill Litt, a professor in the Department of Environmental Studies at CU Boulder.

The research was funded by the American Cancer Society, and is the first-ever, randomized, controlled trial of community gardening. It found that those who started gardening ate more fiber and got more physical activity—two known ways to reduce risk of cancer and chronic diseases. They also saw their levels of stress and anxiety significantly decrease. In this case, the CU researchers ran a study at 37 community gardens in Denver and Aurora, CO. After raising awareness of the program in a variety of neighborhoods, they recruited those on the waiting lists for the study. They recruited 291 non-gardening adults, average age of 41, from the Denver area. More than a third were Hispanic and more than half came from low-income households.

After the last spring frost, half were assigned to the community gardening group and half to a control group that was asked to wait one year to start gardening. The gardening group received a free community garden plot, some seeds and seedlings, and an introductory gardening course through the nonprofit Denver Urban Gardens program and a study partner.

Both groups took periodic surveys about their nutritional intake and mental health, underwent body measurements and wore activity monitors.

During the study, researchers found, those who gardened ate more fruit and vegetables than their counterparts, increasing their consumption by about 1.13 servings per day. They consumed 1.4 grams more fiber a day than the control group, and increased their fiber intake by 7 percent over the course of the program. They were slightly more active, too, increasing their moderate to vigorous physical activity during the study period. Gardeners also reported less stress and anxiety than their non-gardening counterparts.

Though the gains were modest, researchers said that they are the types of small changes recommended by experts as a way to prevent the risk of chronic diseases. Smoking, poor diet and a sedentary lifestyle all contribute to that risk.

The study results don’t surprise Linda Appel Lipsius, executive director of Denver Urban Gardens (DUG), a 43-year-old nonprofit that helps about 18,000 people each year grow their own food in community garden plots.

“It’s transformational, even life-saving, for so many people,” Lipsius said.


Professor Jill Litt (left) talks with colleagues Eva Coringrato (middle) and Erin Decker (right) in a Denver area community garden. Photo by Glenn Asakawa/CU Boulder, 2017.

Many DUG participants live in areas where access to affordable fresh fruits and vegetables is otherwise extremely limited. Some are low-income immigrants now living in apartments—having a garden plot allows them to grow food from their home country and pass on traditional recipes to their family and neighbors.

The social connection is also huge.

“Even if you come to the garden looking to grow your food on your own in a quiet place, you start to look at your neighbor’s plot and share techniques and recipes, and over time relationships bloom,” said Litt, noting that while gardening alone is good for you, gardening in community may have additional benefits. “It’s not just about the fruits and vegetables. It’s also about being in a natural space outdoors together with others.”

Litt said she hopes the findings will encourage health professionals, policymakers and land planners to look to community gardens, and other spaces that encourage people to come together in nature, as a vital part of the public health system. The evidence is clear, she said: gardening works.

Researchers from the Colorado School of Public Health, University of Colorado Cancer Center, Colorado State University and Michigan State University also contributed to this study.
