
Thursday, September 15, 2022

Garden Successes and Failures by Sally Blanchard

Scarlet Runner Beans
Baker Creek Seeds

We asked our Master Gardeners to share what successes and failures they’ve experienced in their gardens this year....

From Sally:

Photo:  Sally Blanchard

Scarlet runner pole beans have such beautiful blossoms and the red bean really brightens a salad! But so far, I’ve had exactly two mature bean pods and it is already late August! A native of Mexico, these beans bask in full sun and the vines grow up to fifteen feet! I tucked a few in a pot with annual flowers and they quickly overwhelmed the flowers! Others I planted in the ground with a six-foot tomato cage for their climbing gymnastics. Even if I don’t get more beans, I’ve enjoyed their cheery blossoms and the pollinators who find them tasty.

Photos:  Sally Blanchard

No Sungold Tsunami - 
I know better, really, I do. No planting any annuals, tomatoes, peppers, etc until after Memorial Day at the earliest for me. But it had been so hot and warm for days and days this spring; my tomato starts were huge and needed bigger pots so I was excited and took a chance. Mother Nature scoffed and reminded me she is in charge by sending the temps below 30° and dumping several inches of snow on May 20! Even though I wrapped my Sungold tomatoes on my patio with several layers of blankets and frost cloth, they just haven’t thrived this season. The plants are usually lusher and more prolific by August. There have been many tomatoes just not the Sungold tsunami my neighbors all love! Sigh.