
Monday, July 25, 2022

What’s Eating my Potted Flowers? By Vicky Spelman

A favorite morning ritual is to head outdoors with my coffee and check on the garden and the potted flowers.  It’s comforting to look at the plants and see everything growing.  What’s not comforting is to find part of the garden or potted flowers have been munched on.  

A neighbor recently asked me what was eating her potted flowers and sent me some photos.

In the first photo, look for grasshoppers nibbling on the flowers and they can have voracious appetites.  Grasshoppers are hard to control as they are so mobile.  Be diligent in looking for them and removing from your plants. 

In this photo, something is eating her petunias. See the frass on the sticky parts of the plant?  Look for caterpillars.  The best way to control caterpillars is to hand-pick them from the plant or from their hiding places at the base of the plant, and relocate them outside the garden.  

In the last photo, her snapdragon buds are becoming hollowed out before they have a chance to bloom.  Look at the smaller lighter green dots – they turned out to be aphids.  She hosed the plant with a fine spray and washed them away – it might take several times with the hose, but it will help control them.  

Since container gardens require more frequent watering than 'in-ground' plants, consider fertilizing your potted plants.  See CSU Fact Sheet:

Take time to walk your garden and yard several times a week to stay on top of any potential problems.  AND... enjoy your morning coffee viewing your wonderful flowers!