
Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Weather – Workin’ the Swing Shift by Patti O’Neal

 [Republished from February 2011]

What is a plant to do?  It’s February and all but a few plants should be peacefully enjoying the delicious dormancy of winter.  In the restful sleep of hibernation each plant sends good thoughts to its root zone where precious nutrients are stored to be called on when the sunshine of spring and early summer tease them to life by warming the soil and sending messages of new growth.  That’s in a perfect world.  But this year as well as others we are experiencing anything but perfect. 

Temperatures have fluctuated from 70 degrees to below 0 in a span of a few days.  This has happened several times since December.  Then we go back up to high 40’s for a week at a time with lows only at freezing, creating a freeze thaw situation in the soil.

When plants are subjected to this “freeze-thaw” cycle repeatedly damage can occur to the root system as plants are heaved from the ground.

The best remedy is to apply a 3-4 inch layer of mulch around the base of your plants. This helps to mitigate the soil temperatures, thus preventing the heaving effect.  It also helps to keep moisture in the soil.   It is best to wait until after the first hard freeze to do this, and before snowfall so rodents do not make a comfortable home out of it.  When you apply the mulch, it is important to pull it back gently about an inch or slightly more from the crown of the plant.  This prevents excess moisture from collecting at the crown line and creating diseases and allows the plant to breathe.  Check out CSU fact sheet #7.214, Mulches for Home Grounds at

It’s not only the roots that need protection, but warmer days can create a situation where premature budding can occur.  This will require some above ground protection for your plants.  Be creative and cover with something that creates a layer of air between the plant and the cover to provide insulation.  It is best not to just drape sheets over plants, especially if heavy moisture is present.  The sheet will become wet and heavy and lay directly on the leaves causing the very damage you were trying to prevent.  For plants you especially want to protect, try putting a tomato cage over it and then hanging the sheet over that, or devising something that will create the same effect.  Covers should never be left on for extended periods of time as they can disrupt the natural transpiration of air and water in the plants.  Remove as soon as the danger has passed.

Do not be alarmed if your tulips and other bulbs are beginning to break bud.  Those that are doing so are the species varieties that are natives of China, Turkey and Asia who thrive in these kinds of severe winter climates.  They will be fine. As a matter of fact, they will continue to thrive.

With all these severe temperature shifts, watering is still going to be critical despite recent snows. If you have not done any yet since you turned your irrigation system off last October, pay attention to areas that did not get melting snow. When temps are above 45 degrees, drag out the hose and deeply, slowly water trees and shrubs first and extend to herbaceous perennials if time permits.  This will prevent winter desiccation injury where the plant cannot take up enough moisture to keep up with the dry, windy conditions we often experience.