
Thursday, November 18, 2021

Winter Care for Houseplants by Vicky Spelman

Photo: Vicky Spelman

Houseplants make us happy – especially in the winter months but winter time can be difficult for houseplants with the drier conditions in the home.  Here are some tips to keep them healthy and looking their best.

First, did any of your houseplants live part of the summer months outside?  Hopefully you checked for any pests before bringing any outdoor plants inside.  Give your plants a close examination for visible critters - to include spider mites, mealybugs and scale that like to hide under leaves or at leaf-stem intersections.  If you notice any pests, you’ll want to isolate the plant, identify the pest and then start treating the plant for it.  
Generally, houseplants will require less frequent watering during the winter months than in Spring and Summer when they are actively growing.  Most houseplants grow well with temperatures of 65-75 degrees during the daytime and temperatures around 60-65 degrees during the night.  Try to keep the plants away from cold drafts and hot air vents.  

A humidifier is an easy solution for a room or the entire house.  Also make sure that you water them thoroughly – the water should drain out of the bottoms of the pots, or if excess water drains into the pot saucer make sure to discard this water from the saucer.  Another idea/method is to group plants together. 
The humidity in the immediate vicinity of the plants will be increased by the water evaporating from the potting soil, and the water lost through the plant foliage (transpiration). 

During the winter months, fertilization is generally not necessary because most plants are growing very little or are resting.  Start fertilizing around March or April as plants resume growth. 
cottonbro for Pexels

Another consideration for keeping your plants looking tip-top is to dust them.  Dust often accumulates on the leaves of houseplants not only making them unattractive but it may slow plant growth.  Since there is already less light during the winter, this becomes particularly important. Large, firm-leafed plants may be cleaned with a soft sponge or cloth and another method is to place plants in the shower and give them a bath – be sure to check water temperature first.  

Houseplants boost our spirits!  Here are 6 easy-to-grow houseplants for your home from the National Garden Bureau:
1. Snake Plant
2. Anthurium
3. Petra Croton
4. Lemon Button Fern
5. Stromanthe Triostar
6. Golden Pothos

For more information on Houseplants and Wintertime: