
Monday, October 18, 2021

Tips for recycling Fall leaves by Vicky Spelman

Photo Credit: Jerry Downs

Leaves are starting to turn colors and beginning to fall around our landscapes. 

Leaves contain a blend of nutrients that are beneficial for your yard and shrubs.  Some of the simplest and most economical uses for leaves are: free fertilizer, mulch and nutrient rich compost.  

Photo Credit:  Pexels
~ Mow into your lawn:
The leaves into the lawn using a mulching mower so the leaf pieces fall down between the grass blades.  As the leaf pieces decompose, they will release nutrients for your lawn.  

Photo Credit:  Michigan State University
~ Mulch:
Collect the fallen leaves to spread around trees, shrubs or in the vegetable gardens as mulch.  First use your mower to break them down a bit so they don’t blow away.   Some of the benefits of using mulch are: 
1. soil temperature moderation
2. helps prevent erosion
3. reduces weeds
4. provides nutrients as it decomposes over time

Photo Credit:  Pixabay

~ Compost:
Another option is to compost them, which is a bit more work but will create a nutrient-rich mix to use in your vegetable bed and yard.  

Photo Credit:  Clemson University

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