
Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Encouraging Children in the Garden by Melissa Lovell

Photo: M C Lovell
One of the best ways to encourage children to eat vegetables is to grow them together. Many vegetables that go great in salads can be grown fairly quickly indoors or out; in containers or in the ground. Seeds, soil and water are all you need to get started. Use potting soil or amend the ground with compost to create a rich soil for the seeds to grow in. After planting, keep the soil moist and in a sunny location. Click here for details about growing leafy greens: LeafyGreens 

Photo: M C Lovell
There are countless varieties of leafy greens and quick growing vegetables you can try. Many seeds can be found at your local nursery or hardware store. Try spinach, kale, lettuce or micro-greens. Radishes, baby carrots and herbs are yummy additions to any salad and can be grown in under 2 months. If you start in the spring you'll even have time to grow tomatoes and cucumbers. Check out this fact sheet for more information on safe handling of greens from your garden: CSU-Greens Safety.
Photo: M C Lovell
Children are amazed by nature and the world around them so take notice with your children when the plants sprout and how they grow. Point out the various textures, colors, sizes and when they're ready to eat notice the different flavors too.  You could even keep a journal of your garden as a science experiment. 
Photo: M C Lovell
Gardening with your children has many benefits and a healthier diet is just one of them. So go out and plant a salad garden, the kids are gonna love it!