
Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Is it your time? Become a Master Gardener! by Amy Bubar

Jefferson County Master Gardeners ready to serve!
Do you love planting those first little seeds in the ground each spring, eagerly awaiting their subtle greenery to break the soil surface? Do you have an on-going quest for knowledge? Do you enjoy helping others in your community?  Are you ready for the next step in your own back yard gardening?  If the answer to any of these questions is yes, consider becoming a Master Gardener! 

Providing diagnostic services in the Plant Clinic
The program consists of a series of ten classes founded on current research-based results from Colorado State University and other land grant universities.  Subsequent services that Master Gardeners provide may range from teaching gardening classes to youth, working in and evaluating test plants in our Horticulture Demonstration and Research Garden located at the Jeffco Fairgrounds, or assisting in the Courage Demonstration Garden adjacent to the Jeffco Courts and Administration building.  Other services may include working in the Plant Diagnostic Clinic, researching gardening problems within the Plant Care Call Center, answering gardening questions at local farmers markets, or writing for the Jeffco Master Gardener blog.

Providing research-based information at a Farmers Market
There are two ways you can improve your current gardening skills by participating in intense face-to-face training provided through Jefferson County Extension: The Colorado Master Gardener Program (CMG) is a volunteer-based program that requires interested candidates to undergo an application and interview process.  If accepted first year apprentices are required to perform 50 hours of community volunteerism in addition to the 10 classes.  The second option is the Colorado Gardener Certificate Training (CGC).  This pathway has a limited class size based on a first come first served basis, and requires a $530 tuition in lieu of volunteer hours.
Answering landscape/gardening questions at the Colorado Garden and Home Show
As a Master Gardener you'll receive training that will empower you to reach more gardeners with research-based information to improve the gardening process throughout the community.  The Jefferson County Extension will be accepting applications for the 2017 class program from September 13 through October 28, 2016.  For more information or an application, please contact Amy Bubar at 303-271-6643 or

Applications and information can also be found at:
Colorado Gardener Certificate Enrollment Form
Application Dates of Note
Application Cover Letter