
Thursday, October 21, 2010

Jefferson County Master Gardeners Seed Swap by Duane Davidson

Patti Explains Seed Saving

Picnic Lunch
About 20 Jeffco Master Gardeners and family members braved a chilly wind last Saturday, October 9, to learn about saving seeds from their gardens and then swap some seeds already collected.

The gathering was at Kendrick Lake Park, near Kipling and Jewell, in Lakewood. (This park is known for its innovative xeric garden and has been featured in previous blog postings.) The program began with Patti O'Neal of Jeffco Extension's horticulture staff talking about seeds, including the importance of efforts around the world to collect and preserve seeds. She offered tips to help home gardeners collect and store their favorite varieties of vegetables and flowers.

Seed Selection
Following a potluck picnic lunch, eaten rather hurriedly because of the blustery weather, seeds were exchanged. Those attending had been asked to bring any spare seeds they had already collected. There were annual and perennial flowers, several vegetables and vine fruits, and a couple of herbs. Most everyone found something new to plant next year, and everyone agreed that this seed swap was an enjoyable and worthwhile event to hold again next year – hopefully in kinder weather.