Photo Hudson Farmers Market |
I am having a lot of people ask me why their squash is not producing. Here are some tips and suggestions for bumping up your yield.
Firstly I will tell you I am not just a Colorado Master Gardener. I am also a Permaculturist. I practice many Indigenous and ancient gardening techniques that you may or may not have heard of. I do this because I find it makes sense for me as an organic gardener and Permaculturist. It creates balance in my garden and life.
So, lets look at our problem through this lense…
Problem = My squash is not producing.
Observations =
I have fertile well draining soil.
I have it planted in full sun.
I am fertilizing with an organic 5-10-5 fertilizer.
I know squash are not self-pollinating. I need flowers & the pollen in them to cross to get any fruit.
I have lots of flowers. I STOP
I look closer… Do I have any female flowers?